
DigitalOcean offers a cloud platform with the feature of Droplets or Virtual Machines, allowing the instance in a matter of seconds, with an SLA of 99.99%, enabling the rapid availability of microservices applications developed using the Devprime platform. Droplets can be provisioned with CPU, memory, disk, and storage resources on demand.

Deploying a Devprime Microservice on a Droplet in DigitalOcean


The Devprime platform accelerates software developer productivity by offering a complete software architecture design, components with intelligent behaviors, accelerators for code deployment, and updates with new features.

During this article, we’ll use a microservice with an order-related business rule, a database in MongoDB. We’ll walk you through the steps to build the microservice, the hosting services on DigitalOcean, and then the settings you need to make it available using the free plan.

Checklist and preparation of the initial local environment:

  • Open an account on Devprime Platform and purchase a Developer/Enterprise) license.
  • Install an updated version of .NET (Linux, macOS, and Windows).
  • Install and/or update Visual Studio Code and/or Visual Studio 2023 Community / Professional / Enterprise.
  • Install and/or update docker (For Windows, use WSL2).
  • Initialize MongoDB and RabbitMQ containers using docker and add the queue ‘orderevents’ using RabbitMQ.
  • Install and activate the latest version of the Devprime CLI.
  • Create a folder for your projects and set read and write permissions.
  • See the article “Creating the first microservice” to explore getting started with the Devprime platform.
  • Open a Cloud account at DigitalOcean
    (Your $200 Credit, You’ve been invited to DigitalOcean! Sign up and get a $200, 60-day credit to try our products. Spend $25 after your credit expires and whoever referred you will get $25 in credit!)

Creating a microservice to use in the example

The first step is to create a new microservice to use as a template for publishing to the cloud. The name of this microservice will be set to “ms-order”, and we will use the MongoDB database and the RabbitMQ stream, as demonstrated in the command below.

  • Create a folder named \do and enter it.
  • Run the Devprime CLI to create the first microservice:
    dp new ms-order --stream rabbitmq --state MongoDB
    Devprime using DigitalOcean
  • Add a sample business rule “Order” with the behavior of an Aggregate Root class and another entity class. Go to the \do\ms-order folder and type:
    dp marketplace order
  • Enable the Devprime CLI accelerator to build implementations of the microservice, such as repository, application service, API exposure, and communication between application layers:
    dp init

After the new microservice is created, go to the “ms-order” project folder and you can view all the implementations by Visual Studio Code as demonstrated in the article related to creating the first microservice.

To open in Visual Studio Code:
code .

At this time we will not use RabbitMQ and will disable it in the Stream Adapter settings via the configuration file in src\App\appsettings.json.

  1. Go to the new folder ms-order and open it from Visual Studio Code
    code src\App\appsettings.json
  2. Locate the “DevPrime_Stream” key and in the “Enable” option put “false”.
  3. Change the “OrderCreated” Handler by commenting on the line “Dp.Stream.Send(destination, eventName, eventData);” so that no event is sent by the Stream.

Open the Handler from Visual Studio Code

Running the new Order microservice

The previous steps enable a production-ready microservice with the business rules obtained from the Devprime marketplace.

chmod permission on Linux, macOS
To run the “.sh” file on (Linux, macOS) you need to add the permission below making the script executable.
chmod +x run.sh

Start the microservice by running one of the scripts below:
.\run.ps1 (Windows) ou ./run.sh (Linux, macOS)

The microservice can run locally in Linux, macOS, and Windows environments as shown in the example below:

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By accessing the ms-order microservice API, we already have an “OpenAPI” implemented.
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Accessing the microservice configuration file

In the local environment, you can edit, if necessary, application settings and credentials in the src/App/appsettings.json file, such as the MongoDB and RabbitMQ access data used in the project.

To open in Visual Studio Code:
code src/App/appsettings.json

Creating a new Droplet and MongoDB in DigitalOcean

The next step is to create a new Droplet using the “Ubuntu 23.10 x64” image as a base, choosing the basic configuration of 1 CPU and 512 MB of RAM. An interesting feature of this DigitalOcean virtual machine is the speed of provisioning, which is already available in seconds.

During creation, remember to enable the “Add improved metrics monitoring and alerting (free)” option to enable a better visualization of the metrics.

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You have the option to deploy services directly to your Droplet, but since DigitalOcean offers a few other managed features and for the purposes of this demonstration, we’ll be creating a MongoDB instance.

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Below you can view the summary of the dashboard in DigitalOcean with the three services created (Droplet, MongoDB) and available for use.

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The next step is for you to get the MongoDB credentials and connection strings “db-mongodb-nyc1-demo” to add to your configuration file in the microservice.

Devprime using DigitalOcean

Then locate the item DevPrime_State and under connection add the connection data from the db-mongo-nyc1-demo database.

Open Settings
code src\App\appsettings.json

    "DevPrime_State": [
      "enable": "true",
      "alias": "State1",
      "type": "db",
      "dbtype": "mongodb",
      "connection": "mongodb://mongoadmin:LltF8Nx*yo@localhost:27017",
      "timeout": "5",
      "retry": "2",
      "dbname": "ms-order",
      "isssl": "true",
      "durationofbreak": "45"

At this point, you can run the application again and make a post using the API. If the credentials are correct, you are already accessing the database.

Installing .NET Runtime or SDK on Droplet on DigitalOcean

An application based on the .NET platform can run on Linux, macOS, and Windows. We have the option to install only the Runtime or choose the SDK when you want to build within the virtual machine environment itself (DROPLET).

In this article, we’re taking the Runtime option. To do this, simply access the DigitalOcean portal, in the terminal, and/or use an SSH or Putty tool on Windows.

sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y aspnetcore-runtime-8.0

Install .NET SDK or .NET Runtime on Ubuntu

Exporting microservice and publishing to DigitalOcean

We’ll build the microservice locally, and then ship it using any FTP client. We connect to FTP using the SFTP protocol on port 22, using the “root” username and the password informed in the creation of the Droplet.

Before publishing, we will change the default port used in the configuration file. To do this, locate the item “DevPrime_Web” and, under URL, keep only the value "url": "http://*:80".

Open Settings:
code src\App\appsettings.json

Now, go to the root folder of the project and run the publish command to have .NET export a publishable version using the .NET Runtime in the output folder output in the -o parameter.

Run the command:
dotnet publish .\src\App\App.csproj -c Release -o output

Enter the droplet from the terminal using SSH and create a folder at the root:

Use FTP to send the contents of the local folder ms-order/output to the destination folder /devprime.

In the terminal, run the application inside the /devprime folder:
dotnet App.dll

Accessing the microservice over the public internet

When using a Droplet, the implementation leaves all ports open. Since we set up the URL “http://*:80” with port 80 on the web adapter, you can now access it directly from the Droplet IP. To use SSL, you need to configure a domain for the Droplet IP and use an Nginx with Let’s Encrypt, for example, to generate a certificate.

Access your Droplet and get the public IP to access by HTTP only, e.g., where will be your Droplet IP. At the end of the test, stop your application to continue with the next step.

Devprime using DigitalOcean

Setting up the microservice as a service on Linux

An important feature when working with your application within an environment such as Droplet/virtual machine is to configure the application as a service to ensure that it continues to run even if the environment is restarted.

  1. Open nano to add the devprime service code:
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/devprime.service

Add the content below and start saving.

Description=Order Microservice

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /devprime/App.dll
# Define o tempo limite de inatividade (em segundos)

  1. Restart the daemon:
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  2. Enable the new devprime service:
    sudo systemctl enable devprime

  3. Starting the service. At this point, you can access from the web again:
    sudo systemctl start devprime

  4. Checking Status:
    sudo systemctl status devprime

  5. Optional to restart the service when needed:
    sudo systemctl restart devprime

  6. Tracking Microservice Logs:
    sudo journalctl -f -u devprime

  7. Optional, if you don’t have logs in item 7:
    sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

At this point, you can run a cURL internally and confirm that the service is running. You can even restart the Droplet and retest internal and external connectivity by validating that the service started on its own.
curl -X GET

Adding an SSL Certificate Using Nginx

To use HTTPS, you need to have a domain set up and pointing to your Droplet IP. This domain can be configured within DigitalOcean in MANAGE > Networking > Domains or externally. In this guide, we’ll use a subdomain called “do.devprime.io”.

It’s important to remember that Nginx will run on ports 80/443. Because of this, we will be moving our microservice to port 5000, as access to it will be done by Nginx internally and no longer directly exposed.

  1. Open your project settings and change the URL item to "url": "http://*:5000". You can do this in the original project as per the previous steps and republish via FTP or edit the appsettings.json inside the Droplet.
    nano appsettings.json

  2. Restart the microservice.
    sudo systemctl restart devprime

  3. Installing Nginx on Droplet.
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install nginx

  4. Checking the status.
    sudo systemctl status nginx

  5. Making Nginx a Service.
    sudo systemctl enable nginx

  6. Installing Certbot and the Nginx plugin.
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install certbot
    sudo apt install python3-certbot-nginx

  7. Creating Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. Do not run before validating the propagation of your DNS to the droplet IP. Remember to modify the domain name in the items below.
    sudo certbot certonly --nginx -d do.devprime.io --email your-email@your-domain.com

  8. Use your domain on Nginx.
    sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/do.devprime.io

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name do.devprime.io;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;  # Porta interna da sua aplicação
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name do.devprime.io;
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/do.devprime.io/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/do.devprime.io/privkey.pem;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:5000;  # Porta interna da sua aplicação
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
  9. Create a symbolic link.
    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/do.devprime.io /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

  10. Validate the Nginx configuration.
    sudo nginx -t

  11. Reboot Nginx.
    sudo systemctl restart nginx

  12. Access the public url of the site again, but using https or use the
    below to check the connection details, remembering to change the URL. The log return demonstrates the use of Let’s Encrypt SSL.
    curl -v https://do.devprime.io

* processing: https://do.devprime.tech
* Connected to do.devprime.io (x.x.x.x) port 443
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* ALPN: server accepted http/1.1
* Server certificate:
*  subject: CN=do.devprime.tech
*  start date: Apr 10 15:28:12 2024 GMT
*  expire date: Jul  9 15:28:11 2024 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "do.devprime.io" matched cert's "do.devprime.io"
*  issuer: C=US; O=Let's Encrypt; CN=R3
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
* using HTTP/1.1
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: do.devprime.io
> User-Agent: curl/8.2.1
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx/1.24.0 (Ubuntu)
< Connection: keep-alive
<div style='text-align:center;padding:10px;margin:10px;color:#512da8'>
    <h1>Welcome to DevPrime! </h1>
    <p>Microservice ms-order : 57f36e89-2b14-490f-81b2-a46a814830bf</p>
    <p><a href='/swagger/index.html'>Go to OpenApi</a></p>
  1. Edit the crontab and enable the automatic renewal of the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.
    crontab -e

    0 0 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet
  2. Listing the active crontab.

    crontab -l
    sudo ls /etc/cron.d/
  3. Enabling the firewall.
    In this example, you can enable the firewall using The Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) available on Linux, freeing ports 80/443/22 by following the steps listed.

    # Habilitar
    ufw allow http
    ufw allow https
    ufw allow ssh
    ufw enable
    # Status
    ufw status verbose
    # Desligar
    ufw disable

Final Thoughts

During this article, you learned how to deploy a microservice developed using Devprime platform technology on a DigitalOcean Linux Droplet. We demonstrate a basic walkthrough that basically consists of installing the .NET runtime and copying the compiled project. The other configurations are additional Linux features for a better experience running your application.

In a productive environment, it is highly recommended to use a vault for credentials and a robust DevOps strategy to orchestrate all publishing automatically.

To learn more:

Last modified April 16, 2024 (2b35fcc8)