Creating a microservice

Learn how to develop the first production-ready microserico in 30 minutes using the Devprime CLI, Devprime Stack, and modern software architecture design and accelerators that increase productivity and standardize development.

Today you will learn in practice how to use the Devprime platform to accelerate the development of the first microservice. We will use the Devprime CLI which is Devprime’s tool for the developer with the ‘dp new’ command. By executing this command, a new application is created in a matter of seconds, including a complete software architecture project, and is ready for production. This process saves a lot of time compared to conventional creation, which would normally take weeks.

For the local environment, the Stream service ‘RabbitMQ’ will be used for event emission and asynchronous communication, aligning with our ‘Event-Driven Architecture’ approach and for the database, we opted for ‘MongoDB’ and will do the integration using the State Adapter.

Cheklist e preperação do ambiente inicial:

Criando o primeiro microsserviço
New projects are created using the dp new command with parameters for the Stream definition, which can vary between RabbitMQ, Kafka, and other options, and State, which can vary between MongoDB, MySQL, SQL Server, and other choices.

To start a new microservice project, run the command below, setting the microservice name to “ms-order” and specify the parameters for RabbitMQ and MongoDB:

dp new ms-order --stream rabbitmq --state mongodb

This command will create a new microservice called “ms-order” with the appropriate configurations to use RabbitMQ in Stream and MongoDB in State.

Devprime Version

Your new microservice is ready for production

To access the new project, go to the folder created and open it in Visual Studio Code to view the implemented software architecture, functionalities enabled by the accelerators and components of the Devprime platform.

code .

The settings of the features offered by the Devprime Stack are available in the appsettings file (src\App\appsettings.json) and can be configured through environment variables in the container and a vault vault in the production environment.

The project follows a Hexagonal architecture approach separating the technology layers as follows:

  • APP: The main project of your app and the default to open in Visual Studio.
  • Domain: Business rules are based on Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and are isolated within that project. All domain classes must inherit from Devprime Foundation classes (AggRoot, Entity, ValueObject).
  • Web: Adapter for exposing APIs.
  • Stream: Adapter with implementation to receive multistream events (RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.).
  • State: Adapter with integration with persistence platforms (MongoDB, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, etc.).
  • Services: Adapter for integration with external API services, whether using HTTP, gRPC, or GraphQL.
  • Security: Adapter for integration with identity providers, including authentication and authorization to protect APIs.
  • HealthCheck: Exposure to check availability of services in the Cluster (Liveness, Readiness).
  • Observability: Adapter with observability strategies, including logging, tracing, metrics, and OpenTelemetry support for use in Distributed Tracing.
  • AppCenter: Adapter for exposing information for monitoring services.
  • Extensions: Adapter with extensibility to add external third-party NuGet components.

The new “ms-order” microservice application can run even without business rules. In the microservice context, the log is the canvas of your application, and Devprime offers an amazing visualization experience by automatically generating the log using the ‘Observability’ adapter. This log, in addition to being automatic, is distributed, allowing integration with processes between microservices.

Starting the “Order” microservice

You can run the application using dotnet run --project .\src\App\App.csproj -c release or using the script files “.\run.ps1” if you have powershell (Windows, Linux, macOS) installed or “./” in bash (Linux and macOS).

chmod permission on Linux, macOS
To run the “.sh” file on (Linux, macOS) you need to add the permission below making the script executable.
chmod +x

Start the microservice by running one of the scripts below:
.\run.ps1 (Windows) ou ./ (Linux, macOS)

When you start the application, you can follow the entire behavior of the new microservice in the log below.

Devprime starting microservice

Introduction to Resilience and Circuit Breaker

The Devprime platform offers automatic strategies for distributed systems, including features such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, and Resiliency through the Devprime Stack components.

During microservice startup or at any point in its operation, it is common for failures to occur. If you don’t have a RabbitMQ container service running locally or configured correctly in the “src/App/appsettings.json” file, the adapter will automatically initiate a “Retry” attempt. If it is unsuccessful, it will trigger the “Circuit Breaker” due to problems accessing the RabbitMQ Stream service.

Devprime starting microservice

On return from service, it will turn off the “Circuit Breaker” automatically.

Visualizing the APIs exposed in the microservice

When you run the new microservice that you’ve created, you’ll already have access to the http://localhost:5000 or https://localhost:5001 URLs through the Web Adapter. This allows you to view the API exposed in the OpenAPI/Swagger standard. However, because the business rules have not yet been implemented, the only endpoint available is /healthcheck, which is used by the Kubernetes cluster to monitor the service.

Devprime starting microservice

Adding a Business Rule

The created project is now ready to receive the business rules in the Domain Driven Design (DDD). The code should be written inside the Domain folder. After including, it is possible to use the “dp init” accelerator to analyze the domain and create the necessary code for API exposure, further simplifying the development journey, in addition to maintaining the best development practices.

To facilitate our example, we will use the “Order” domain and obtain the example code from the marketplace service of the Devprime platform. Use the command below and check the result in the Domain src/Core/Domain/Aggregates folder.
dp marketplace order

Next, we will use the “dp init” command, which allows you to analyze the business rules in the “Domain” and, using the best development practices, build the necessary code to allow propagating a business interaction with other layers of the application, maintaining decoupling, standardization and testability, saving many hours of development.

The accelerator automatically implements the classes of “Domain Events” in Domain, Event Handlers in Application, “Domain Services” in Application, “Application Services” in Application, persistence in State, “API’s/Controllers” in Web, unit tests in Tests.

To use it, you just need to have a domain implemented and run the command as shown in the example below.
dp init
#Devprime starting microservice

Now, when you run the ‘ms-oder’ micro again, you will already have a set of API’s as presented below
and you can now, for example, make a post to the API and track all the results of the microservice working and ready for production.

Devprime starting microservice

WOW!! You already have a production-ready microservice based on Devprime

Last modified April 11, 2024 (cc33f7e6)