
Learn how to use Auth0 to perform the implementation of resource access protection in Devprime-based microservices.

Auth0 is a platform for identity management that supports security in applications and microservices in single sign-on processes with Identity, Access Management offering authentication and authorization integrated with the Devprime platform. This integration is done by the Security adapter.

Follow the steps below to prepare the on-premises environment and perform the basic co-configurations in Auth0 to enable on-premises integration tests with the security engine.

Cheklist and preperation of the initial environment:

Creating an Application in Auth0

After creating the account in Auth0, you will be directed to a private area within the portal with several options for configuration. The first option to be located is the “Applications” menu and then the “Create application” option, which should provide any node as “ms-order” and the type as “Regular Web Applications”

Welcome to auth0

At the end, a new “Application” will be created and we will perform some configurations and then use the data in the local microservice to validate the authentication.

Getting the Settings of an Application in Auth0

Now it’s time to get the Auth0 configuration information for use in our application and for that it is necessary to access the “Application > ms-order” and the option
“Basic Information” get the values of “Domain, Client ID, Client Secret”
Welcome to auth0

Item Value
Client ID a15W9T9UzEA05hcRMM3x4ckfiEzD6CJo
Client Secret -hQtloE4YIF4oJD5cbhDrSVjbZ5IlF-x-UPgeTUZLZArxTRcyHwff6eu5b4IpkHZ

Then locate “Application URIs”, locate the Allowed Call Backurl, Allowed Logout Backurl, and Allowed Web Origins keys and include the values shown in the table

Item Value
Allowed Call Backurl https://localhost:5001/callback,http://localhost:5000/callback
Allowed Logout Backurl https://localhost:5001, http://localhost:5000, https://localhost:5001/home/index, http://localhost:5000/home/index
Allowed Web Origins http://*, https://*

Welcome to auth0

In the same form you will find the option “Cross-Origin Authentication”
which can also be filled in with the values “http://*, https://*”.

This is the important moment that you need to save the settings made in the

Next Steps:

Last modified January 10, 2024 (967dcac3)