dp add

The ‘dp add’ command adds capabilities to the microservices, speeding up stages of development and increasing productivity.

You’ll have at your disposal a set of amazing commands that allow you to add an Aggregate root, an Entity, a Value Object, Domain Event, Domain Services, Event Subscribe, External Components, and other features.

Adding an aggregate root

dp add aggregate Order

Adding an entity

dp add entity Item -agg Order

Adding a Value Object

dp add valueobject Status -agg Order

Adding a Value Object

dp add valueobject Email

Adding a Domain Event

dp add domainevent TransferHappened

Adding a Domain Event Linked to an Aggregate Root

dp add domainevent OrderCopied -agg Order

dp add subscribe OrderCreated -as PaymentService

Adding a Domain Service

dp add domainservice BankTransfer

Adding OIDC Authentication Flow

dp add web login

Adding external nuget components using adapter extensions

dp add extensions WhatsApp

Last modified October 17, 2023 (e38ae05b)