Installing the CLI

The Devprime CLI command-line utility can run in the environments (Windows, Linux, macOS) and is the main tool of the software developer on the Devprime platform.

Initial Requirements

  • .NET SDK
  • Nuget (Package tool insane by .NET SDK)

Installing the Devprime CLI

dotnet tool install -g devprime.cli

Running the Devprime CLI


At this point, the CLI is already available on your computer.

Devprime CLI

Devprime CLI Installation Issues

Check out our help for some tips for troubleshooting installation.

Updating the Devprime CLI

dotnet tool update -g devprime.cli

Removing the Devprime CLI

dotnet tool uninstall devprime.cli -g

Next steps

Enable Devprime CLI.

Last modified January 10, 2024 (967dcac3)