Enabling the CLI

Devprime is offered in licenses (Free, Developer, Team, Enterprise) and is available for purchase through the platform’s portal.

In our scenario, at the moment, we will use a Developer license, which allows you to get started with the Devprime platform for free and can be used for free as an individual, non-corporate user.

Creating a Free License

The first step is to go to Devprime and click on “Create a microsserviço now” advancing the purchase to the end to activate a free license and start testing. If you already have another license and want to use it, just skip this step.

Installing the Devprime CLI

Install or update the Devprime CLI.

Initiating CLI Activation

The next step is to activate the CLI by linking the previously created license. Go to the Command Prompt and run the command below.

Type in Command Prompt

dp auth

When running “dp auth” the CLI will attempt to open the web browser at the url presented. If this is not possible, just copy and paste it into the browser to link the license.

Activate a License

At the end, it is possible to obtain confirmation in the CLI


Confirming CLI Installation

Type in Command Prompt

dp version

#Devprime Version

WOW!! You’re ready to create your first microservice.

Last modified April 11, 2024 (cc33f7e6)