Modern software architecture

The Devprime platform offers a complete software architecture design based on the “Hexagonal Architecture” approach, with components and accelerators that allow you to develop the first microservice in 30 minutes.

Software Architecture Strategy

The Devprime platform implements a software architecture strategy that isolates technological components and business rules, enabling the standardization of software development.

Devprime Stack

Technical framework of software architecture

The description below presents a new open project in Visual Studio, in which Devprime’s Adapters and components are visible, containing accelerators and intelligent behaviors. In addition, the Core layer is highlighted as responsible for receiving the business rules, according to the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) standard, and the Test project is intended for unit tests.

Modern Devprime Software Architecture

Folder & Component Structure

Items Projects Details
Adapters AppCenter
Devprime Components
App App Devprime Components
Core Application
Business Layer
Test Core Unit Testing

Technical structure of folders

Items Details
src Projects and source code folder.
. dockerignore docker configuration file.
dockerfile docker file to create a container image.
.sln File with the solution for Visual Studio.
run.ps1 PowerShell script file to run the project on Windows “.\run.ps1”. Bash script file to run the project on Linux “./”.
Last modified October 17, 2023 (e38ae05b)