
Keycloak is an open-source software product to enable integrated identity management (single sign-on with Identity and Access Management) with support for modern applications and services.


Learn how to use Keycloak in an on-premises docker-based environment to implement resource access protection on Devprime-based microservices.

Enforcing Web Security

Learn how to integrate Keycloak’s identity service into the web endpoint for access control in the microservice developed using the Devprime platform. Keycloak supports OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 / JWT in the protection of web pages and API’s.

Applying security to API's

Learn how to integrate Keycloak’s identity service into the APIs for access control in the microservice developed using the Devprime platform. Keycloak supports OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 / JWT in the protection of web pages and API’s.

Using curl to access protected API

Learn how to access an API with Keycloak security-enabled by using the curl tool to obtain an access token.

Last modified October 17, 2023 (e38ae05b)