
The Devprime® CLI and Stack are cross-platform tools based on the .NET platform and can be installed in all environments (Windows, Linux, macOS).
  • The development of applications is redirected using Visual Studio Code / Visual Studio (Community / Professional / Enterprise), Rider and other tools.
  • Publishing can be done on local machines or environments with docker / Kubernetes and on Cloud seriçois (Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Heroku, Digital Ocean and others)

Starting the .NET installation (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Recommendation: .NET 8.0

Operating system-based installation documentation
.NET on Windows
.NET on Linux
.NET on macOS

Verifying the .NET Installation

At a command prompt, type one of the commands below to check the .NET version

dotnet --version
dotnet --info

Additional Tools

Visual Studio Visual Studio Code and/or Visual Studio 2019 or higher
Windows Terminal A tool that allows you to open multiple command prompt tabs at the same time and very useful for people who develop microservices.
docker A recommended container platform for running applications such as mongodb, rabbitmq used in the demo. (Windows, Linux, macOS).
PowerShell Command Line Utility (Windows, Linux, macOS) Download.
WSL2 Windows updates provide a Linux subsystem enabling the development of applications on Windows and Linux.
Last modified January 10, 2024 (967dcac3)