
Follow scenarios with a step-by-step guide allowing you to develop from start to finish covering the Devprime Stack, Devprime CLI, Devprime Transactions Service, and other topics related to the software strategy.


Learn the first steps in developing microservices in practice.


The Devprime platform simplifies the implementation of modern security messaging to control end-user exposure using a native integration with marketplace identity providers such as: Auth0, Keycloak, Azure AD, Amazon Cognito, Google Identity Platform and many others following the OpenID Connect (OIDC), OAuth 2.0 protocols.


Asynchronous communication between microservices.


Learn in practice how to activate in a few steps the obserbability features offered by the Devprime Stack platform allowing you to follow the Logs, Distributed Tracing and Metrics.


We will discuss practical scenarios for customizing the Devprime platform through the “Extensions” functionality. Use to expand standard features using external components developed by third parties.


Learn in practice how to activate in a few steps the obserbability features offered by the Devprime Stack platform allowing you to follow the Logs, Distributed Tracing and Metrics.


Learn in practice how to activate in a few steps the idempotency in the microservices developed on the Devprime platform allowing you to prevent duplicate requests or events via HTTP/gRPC Stream services (Kafka, RabbitMQ).

Quality Gate

Use of tools to monitor security and code quality.

Last modified October 17, 2023 (e38ae05b)