The Devprime CLI is a command-line tool to support the software developer’s journey by accelerating the creation of new microservices.

The Devprime CLI works on Windows, Linux, and macOS environments. To use it is necessary to install and then link to a license (Free, Developer, Team, or Enterprise) on the Devprime platform.

Devprime Stack

The Devprime CLI provides the following commands: dp auth, dp version, dp new, dp init, dp add, dp state, dp stack, dp export, dp remove, dp clean, dp marketplace, dp check.

DP Auth

Devprime CLI Authentication

dp new

Creating new microservices using the Devprime CLI

dp marketplace

Accelerating software development with ready-made business rules available in the Devprime marketplace.

dp init

The dp init command accelerates multiple deployments, saving many hours of development and ensuring alignment with leading industry standards.

dp add

The ‘dp add’ command adds capabilities to the microservices, speeding up stages of development and increasing productivity.

dp remove

Updating the Devprime Stack nuget components

dp state

The ‘dp state’ command helps in the creation of relational database structures.

dp export

The ‘dp export’ command exports configurations to services such as docker, kubernetes, heroku and the ‘dp export’ command.

dp stack

Updating the Devprime Stack nuget components

dp version

Listing the Devprime Stack Version

Last modified October 17, 2023 (e38ae05b)