Welcome to the Devprime platform documentation

Devprime platform documentation offers valuable insights to explore the key benefits of our innovative technology and start the development of modern software projects.

Common challenges in the Digital Transformation journey

Digital Transformation and global competition between companies have accelerated the demand for application modernization and the development of new digital projects.

  • How to overcome the shortage of qualified technology professionals?
  • How to establish standardization in software development?
  • How to increase productivity in software projects?
  • How to implement a software development strategy that considers the standardization, maintenance, and evolution of digital products?
  • How to speed up the application modernization process?
  • How to build cloud-native applications (CloudNative)?

Digital Business Metrics

Digitalization in companies has driven the adoption of new technologies and metrics for the management of digital products. Books such as “Accelerate” and many others technically complement the challenges in managing digital products.

  • Reduced lead time
  • Reduction of errors in homologation
  • Increased productivity
  • Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)
  • Time to Market (TTM)
  • Lead Time for Changes
  • Deployment Frequency
  • Change Failure Rate
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

A key element is the technology strategy offered by the Devprime platform, which implements a modern software architecture for applications. This delivers new results by modernizing software and accelerating developer productivity.

Developer Experience (DX)

The technology of the Devprime platform and accelerators enable an approach known as “Developer Experience” allowing to accelerate the day-to-day of software development, entry of new professionals in projects, maintenance and continuous innovation of the business.

  • Simplified developer onboarding
  • Modern software architecture design
  • Standardization in software development
  • Acceleration in productivity
  • Increased speed in the delivery of new features
  • Reduction of technical debt
  • Code accelerators
  • Cloud-native, resilient, and scalable development
  • Innovation, research and development

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Join the Devprime🚀 platform and start a free account to develop your first production-ready microservice in minutes.

Last modified August 20, 2024 (2f9802da)